IM60 PV Module 產品特性
60 MOTECH multicrystalline solar cells connected in series
Positive power tolerance of 0~3% improves system performance
Industry-leading module efficiency:
maximum efficiency of 16.5%
Tested up to 5400Pa for maximum load resistance
Verified resistance against PID effects
Progressive Power Warranty guarantees 80.2% of rated power at 25 years
Manufactured globally with world-class quality standards
Snow / Wind load
Positive tolerance
25-year progressive warranty
10-year product warranty
Intelligent integration
茂迪的太陽能光電模组通過IEC61215, IEC61730及UL1703的測試標準,符合各項國際安規及效能認證。茂迪的太陽能光電模组外框皆經過陽極處理,且可承受最嚴厲的外力考驗,不但機構設計便於安裝,且配置了耐用於各種天候的接線盒,在實地設置及使用上兼具便利性及安全性。所有模組都提供25年發電的有限保固,以及針對零組件及技術上的10年有限保固支援。 身為全球太陽能電池片的一級領導廠商,茂迪的太陽能光電模组直接受惠於最頂尖的電池片製造技術及可靠度。